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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Guess who is sick again.....


Can you say no fun! He was fine when he got home on Fri and now he has strep....Im at my wits end with this crap....anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of it???? If he has it I know its a matter of days before I get it again........UGH!

5 nice people had this to say:

Lori & Family said...

I would not say again I would stay still. You need to push for a longer course of medicine and then request a strep test when he is done to check to see if it is gone or just not flared up. I had a 2 1/2 year old who had strep for 6 months and it flared every 21 days. Finally they gave him 21 days of meds and it went away.

Mike said...

Drink Emergen-C or Airborne for a few days! it helping my immune system!

Stacy said...

did you change all the tooth brushes?? Hope it gets cleared up soon!!

Anonymous said...

Find a cleaner that says it kills that virus and clean your house well. Maybe spray a disenfectant as well. We do both at daycare and we sometimes clean with bleach water.

Steph Cook

Michelle said...

Go back to the doctor, get a strep test, and request a three week course of antibiotics. Strep can cause heart damage if left untreated...nasty stuff! I hope he feels better soon, and that you don't catch it Rita! Hang in there :o)
