Here she is on Friday night with her cake from her party!
She left around 145 on the bus. William and I were at the MEPS with her all morning (well from 10:30) and she got all her paperwork in order. She will be going in as an E3 so that made her alittle more excited. She passed her PT test and the Knowledge test (meaning she knows all the ARMY information, ranks alphabet, time etc). By doing this it just puts her more ahead in basic training. The one thing she said she hoped wouldnt happen for a while was for her to be put into any type leadership/in charge role....because it would make her nervous... Well what happens as they are loading up on the bus....they hand her a LARGE envelope containing everyone's files and said she was going to be the bus captain..She is to make sure everyone is to be back on the bus when they stop for dinner and to deliver all the documents to the right person when they get to Ft. Jackson... She was like man, I havent even made it there yet and I already have a job...LOL
WE prayed for her last night and off she went. I know she is excited but scared at the same time. I'm proud of you my baby girl.... you are going to make one fine American Army Soldier! Keep your head up and shoulders back, and stay will do just fine!
For all you blog watchers out there....please leave her a comment in the comment section. I will post them at the end of the week. She will have access to the computer I believe untl the weekend...while she is in the processing please leave them and I will make one large post of encouragement for her....
5 nice people had this to say:
We are so excited for you!! My husband, Frank, said when the drill sergeants yell at you, don't let them get to you... don't take it personally, it's just part of the game. If you don't let them get to your head, you'll do great! :) We'll have you in our prayers and look forward to updates!
On our old family website Frank had a page from when he was in boot camp where I would post parts of his letters! If you're interested, you can read them all here. Seems like just yesterday! LOL
I'm proud of you for taking the initiative to take this step. I know it's going to be a challenge for awhile--my daughter's best friend in high school joined the Army at 16 and went to boot camp that summer. But I know you'll do great.
Lyndsey, I know if I can do it, you can. The one thing that kept me going thru basic was thinking about all the thousands and thousands of women who had gone thru before me when it was a whole lot tougher. You will be fine. You are an adventurer like me, so just think of everyday as a new adventure and go to bed each night, thanking God for the things that you learned that day and looking forward to learning something new the next day! I am proud of you and will be thinking and praying for you! Leigh
Thank you so much for serving our wonderful country! I am sure you will do great in Boot Camp and I hope that your new career brings you many fun adventures! We are praying for you as you embark on this journey and we cannot say it enough...THANK YOU for protecting our country and defending our freedom! We are very proud of you! PS: You're absolutely beautiful and sound like a wonderful person...don't settle for just any ole' schmuck of a guy!
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