Come along and follow our journey of being what we think is Normal..... just a average family, following God's calling and a life blessed with Down Syndrome

Thursday, July 23, 2009


We are gearing up for a week long trip to Gatlinburg...We are leaving Sunday Aug 2-8. Do any of my readers live there or will be visiting there? William, my dad, Michael and bro in law JR will be riding their motorcycles up through the mountains for two days. There is a mountain with like 300 curves on it within a 11 mile track that takes forever....they will enjoy it..but the girls and I dont know what to do. Any ideas? It is hard for me to take all 4 of them in a tourist type atmosphere alone because of all the people...

We are excited to get away...wish lyndsey was home to go with us. She has landed safely in TEXAS and will start school on Aug 4th. Oh if you couldnt tell she took her PT test a week early and passed it. Praise the Lord. She was praying for Him to give her wings to glide across the track and she got just that! We are so so proud of her for NOT giving up. It would have been so easy to do but for 4.5 months she has kept up the good attitude and fought the fight to heal. She is now in TX and is so excited to start the next journey of her life.

Thanks for all who have prayed for her. Please continue to do so as this next phase will be a mind bogling task.

Blessings to you all.

1 nice people had this to say:

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

You won't be driving through Nashville will you???