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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gabby heads to the Eye Dr and Endo Dr!

I had to take Gabriella to Birminham to two differnt appoinments today...

WE had another follow up for both Dr's and she is still the same. Her eye's have changed ever so slightly in the prescription so no major worries there.

We then had a Mommy and me lunch and went to the next appointment. The Endocronologist (sp) is a wonderful Indian woman. She really takes time with the kids. They did bloodwork to check her thyroid measures and also the growth hormone. We are waiting for her to gather statisics on growth hormone therapy in girls with down syndrome for us so we can make a decision if this is the route we need to take for Gabby. Since she has been home with us (almost 1 yr) she has grown 1/4 in and her growth hormones arent producing what they we will see! Please pray for her!

She is scheduled for her MRI next Wednesday to check to see if the cyst on her brain has grown any. We arent expecting that is has but we must be sure. Please remember her on Wednesday as this procedure is done and then for us next Friday as we go to the neurosurgeon for all the results.

1 nice people had this to say:

orphans4me said...

Rita, I just want you to know that I am praying right now.