Come along and follow our journey of being what we think is Normal..... just a average family, following God's calling and a life blessed with Down Syndrome

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I have some smart girls on my hands....

I was so happy when Giovanna's teacher shared this with me on the first day of school.

I called her to ask how things went and she informed me I had a very smart girl! On the first day, the kindergarten classes are all given then Dibles test. Giovanna's teacher informed me that there were only one or two students that scored higher than her in the whole class. I thought well great...she said NO EXCELLANT! SO I was a very proud momma! She is in totally inclusion Kindergarten with an aide. Did I say how much I really like Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Siri?? I am so glad she got in this class.

I dont know what Gabby scored on this test, but I did get a email from her special ed teacher (she goes in there for just shy of 2 hours each morning) and said that what she did with her, she passed as well.....So yeah for my girls!!! Gabby's teacher Mrs. Smith and aide Mrs. Todd are really sweet...also the sp ed teacher Mrs. Landry all seem to be on top of things for my girls... So far Im happy!!!

Lily is in private school kindergarten using the Abeka program and this is so good for her. She loves school and her teacher says she is a very smart little girl. Noone can believe she has only been speaking, hearing and using the whole english language for only one year. She understands it all and uses it so well. she comes up with the craziest things sometimes. She loves doing her homework....oh I hope she keeps that up!!!

So there is my shout out for all 3 of my new kindergarteners.....

5 nice people had this to say:

Tammy and Parker said...

Happy Dancing with you! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Rita, I'm Christine's mom. You have a lovely blog site. Your family is beautiful. It's nice to see angels such as yourself taking care of all God's children.

You were wanting to know where I got the plant stand from. I purchased it off the internet after looking high and low. Here is the site's link:
I found the site to be amazing. Wish I had the money to buy more. Enjoy!

Lou said...

Congratulations on your 3 little princesses' first days in Kindergarten! Sounds like they are doing great!!!

Nancy Hood said...

Yay!!! It is so important that our little ones develop a love for learning at a young age. Looks like yours are loving it!!

Emilie Johnson said...

We are so happy that Giovanna is in our room too!!!!! She is such a sweet little girl and seems to be having a great time. I look forward to a great year!